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De fleste AI-chatbots lider af (mild?) demens

#1  31/12-24 12:44
Glenn Møller-Holst
Indlæg: 758
De viser sig at de fleste AI-chatbots lider af (mild?) demens - og dem vil nogen have skal erstatte mennesker... Hvad synes du om det?:

Dansk reference:

241230, Lykkeligt uvidende AI-chatbots lider af demens - bortset fra én. de-ai-chatbots-lider-af-demens-bortset-f ra-en

Engelsk artikelomtale:

December 18, 2024, Digital Dementia? AI Shows Surprising Signs of Cognitive Decline.
Findings Challenge Assumption That AI Will Soon Replace Human Doctors. ws-surprising-signs-of-cognitive-decline /
Citat: "...
As such, they conclude: “Not only are neurologists unlikely to be replaced by large language models any time soon, but our findings suggest that they may soon find themselves treating new, virtual patients – artificial intelligence models presenting with cognitive impairment.”

Engelsk artikel:

Open access:
Reference: “Age against the machine—susceptibility of large language models to cognitive impairment: cross sectional analysis” by Roy Dayan, Benjamin Uliel and Gal Koplewitz, 20 December 2024, BMJ.
Kig på "fig 1"
Citat: "...
This study represents a novel exploration of the cognitive abilities of large language models using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and other diagnostic tools. Our findings indicate that although large language models show remarkable proficiency in several cognitive domains, they show notable deficits in visuospatial and executive functions, akin to mild cognitive impairment in humans.

Glenn, OZ1HFT

Redigeret 31/12-24 12:53